Ten Fastest-Growing States for Tech Jobs

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Ten Fastest-Growing States for Tech Jobs

Ten Fastest-Growing States for Tech JobsTen Fastest-Growing States for Tech Jobs

The state with the most IT job growth over the past six months has approached a double-digit percentage—and beats the No. 2 state on the list by nearly 3%.


Tech jobs growth rate: 3.04%. Cool Fact: If you can make it here in IT, you can make … a fortune: Two out of every five billionaires who made the most recent “100 Richest in Tech” list from Forbes live in the Golden State.


Tech jobs growth rate: 3.42%. Cool Fact: Ever wonder who came up with the term “Silicon Forest” to describe the state’s thriving tech economy? It was Lattice Semiconductor, which trademarked the phrase in 1984.


Tech jobs growth rate: 3.45%. Cool Fact: VariQ Corp., a cyber-security company, recently announced it will relocate to larger space in Rockville, Md., and add 250 jobs over the next five years, more than doubling its workforce.

New YorkNew York

Tech jobs growth rate: 3.58%. Cool Fact: In New York City, the high-tech industry overall has seen 33% in annual jobs growth—four times as much as overall employment growth in the Big Apple.


Tech jobs growth rate: 3.75%. Cool Fact: Launched via a state-MIT led partnership, the recently announced Integrated Photonics Institute in Manufacturing Innovation will seek to boost photonics deployment to benefit robotics, cyber-security and advanced manufacturing. Photonics refers to the generating, controlling and detecting of photons, which are particles of light.


Tech jobs growth rate: 4.27%. Cool Fact: Earlier this year, Pluralsight acquired Orlando-based Code School, which offers instructional courses/videos to developers, for $36 million.


Tech jobs growth rate: 4.47%. Cool Fact: Recently launched, Michipreneur.com provides a new platform for entrepreneurs to share updates and resources in hopes of expanding business opportunities in the state.


Tech jobs growth rate: 5.22%. Cool Fact: Seeking to aggressively increase IT commerce –especially the building of data centers—the Nebraska Advantage program offers companies investment credits, wage credits, customized job training and other benefits.


Tech jobs growth rate: 5.75%. Cool Fact: In the fall, the Utah Technology Council will induct Sen. Orrin G. Hatch into its Hall of Fame, citing his work on patent reform and the “I-Squared” bill to raise the visa cap on highly skilled, international tech professionals seeking to work for U.S. companies.


Tech jobs growth rate: 8.36%. Cool Fact: An estimated 40 different tech ventures in the state received $72 million in investment capital in the second quarter of 2015.

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