How Working Parents Cope With Burnout

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How Working Parents Cope With Burnout, Clueless Managers

How Working Parents Cope With Burnout, Clueless ManagersHow Working Parents Cope With Burnout, Clueless Managers

Working parents are quietly nursing dissatisfaction at work and are coping with burnout—yet management remains relatively clueless, according to a new survey.

Parent Perspective: Cold ReceptionParent Perspective: Cold Reception

76% of surveyed working parents said their company does not have their best interests at heart, and 62% said their employers do not care about them.

Parent Perspective: Sad StateParent Perspective: Sad State

56% said they are unhappy in their current job, and 14% say they’d quit even if they didn’t have another job lined up.

Parent Perspective: Maxed OutParent Perspective: Maxed Out

98% said they have experienced burnout, and 77% say they have become depressed, anxious or sick as a result.

Parent Perspective: Top Causes of BurnoutParent Perspective: Top Causes of Burnout

Lack of sleep: 65%. Absence of family time: 50%. Need to work while on vacation: 49%

Parent Perspective: Troubling DiagnosisParent Perspective: Troubling Diagnosis

48% of working parents worry about their health.

Parent Perspective: Mum's the WordParent Perspective: Mum’s the Word

77% are reluctant to discuss an absence of work/life balance, and nearly seven out of 10 avoid talking about being burnt out.

Management's Take: Rosy ReadManagement’s Take: Rosy Read

70% of managers said they cultivate a culture that supports work/life balance, and 73% say they support the needs of working parents.

Management's Take: Small ConcernManagement’s Take: Small Concern

Just 34% said they worry about their employees’ work/life challenges.

Management's Take: Unnecessary ConsequenceManagement’s Take: Unnecessary Consequence

60% said burnout among working parents is “avoidable.”

Management's Take: Top Work Qualities Parents Bring to the TableManagement’s Take: Top Work Qualities Parents Bring to the Table

Superior multitasking: 41%. Effective Time Management: 34%. Ability to remain calm during crisis: 33%

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