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Everything Old Is New Again
After 23 years as a reporter–not to mention 19 years of marriage–I’ve learned to resist the impulse to shout “You’re…
How IT Shops Should Attack New Investments
When it comes to investing in emerging technologies, corporate IT departments could–and many say should–be like those “alpha consumers” so…
Behind the Census Bureau`s Mobile SNAFU
Don’t worry, Americans: You will be counted as part of the 2010 U.S. census–just not as efficiently as planned, thanks…
FedEx`s CIO on Getting Executive Buy-In
As technologists, we’ve done a terrible job educating our business partners about what we do. What creates rifts between IT…
15 Groundbreaking Management Books
Business changes at break-neck pace. Technology matures at the blink of an eye. For managers today, keeping up with innovations…
Followers Get Their Day
At a time when executives are barraged with lessons on the art and science of leadership, management expert and Harvard…