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Microsoft vs. Adobe: The Next Web Showdown?
As the world’s best athletes compete in Beijing, the summer Olympic games are setting the stage for a battle between…
Top Transformational Technologies
Several hyped technologies are ready for showtime, but others are years off, according to Gartner’s new Hype Cycle on emerging…
Google Releases New Search Appliance for Business
Google said on Tuesday it is an offering an upgraded version of the hardware appliance its sells to companies and…
Embracing The Software Service Economy
A quiet, complex revolution is underway in the software world. The changes and new models of development and delivery are…
Harnessing the Power of Networks
The power of networks is a truism of the Internet age, with the idea embedded in the phrase “Internet age”…
Yahoo Director to Leave Board After Icahn Deal
Yahoo director Robert Kotick’s resignation will take effect after the company’s annual meeting this week, where he will stand for…
Report: Apple CEO Jobs’ Life Not in Danger
Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who has been dogged by investor concerns about his health, does not have recurrent cancer or…
Ex-Googlers Unveil New Search Engine
A start-up led by former star Google engineers on Sunday unveiled a new Web search service that aims to outdo…
Top-Paying IT Jobs: The Six-Figure Edition
Median salaries for top-paid IT executives, middle managers and staff at large firms edged up only slightly in the past…