Demand for Self-Service BI Tools Expected to Grow

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Demand for Self-Service BI Tools Expected to Grow

Liberating Business UsersLiberating Business Users

90% of respondents said it is important for business users to access data and information they need without IT. 24% of businesses have bought BI tools without IT’s help—a growing trend.

DYI BI Offers FlexibilityDYI BI Offers Flexibility

88% of business users want to accomplish tasks on their own time, and 83% said their organization wants to be more data-driven.

What Self-Service BI EnablesWhat Self-Service BI Enables

Increased operational efficiency: 87%, Faster response to changing conditions: 86%, Able to be more competitive: 82%, Increased customer satisfaction: 83%, Shared understanding of business operations: 84%, Empowers employee decision-making: 81%

Self-Service BI Decreases Requests of ITSelf-Service BI Decreases Requests of IT

Respondents said self-service BI results in fewer report requests of IT, with a 37% average reduction and a 30% median reduction. 14% of IT respondents said there is no reduction in requests.

Investment in Self-Service BI to GrowInvestment in Self-Service BI to Grow

Although only 22% of business users currently use self-service BI tools, 84% of IT organizations expect to invest in them during the next two years.

Businesses Move Ahead Without ITBusinesses Move Ahead Without IT

24% of businesses have already bought self-service BI tools independent of IT’ s signoff. This is becoming more and more common.

IT Problems Limit AdoptionIT Problems Limit Adoption

Asked what is limiting adoption of self-service BI, respondents said: Limited budget: 48%, Business user skill set: 48%, Data security and access control: 38%, Lack of IT support: 30%, Lack of executive support: 27%, BI tools are hard to use: 23%, No demonstrated or forecasted need: 20%

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