When Howard Rubin speaks, people listen. And when the subject is cloud computing, today’s IT leaders–many of whom are…
It’s hard for a CIO to go 10 minutes without hearing about how cloud computing is going to transform…
The future for WiMax technology in the enterprise is, well, not now. Despite some hefty investments and even heftier…
If venturing into cloud computing today can be compared with Lewis and Clark’s epic trek across the United States,…
Despite talk of the playing field leveling as rising labor costs in India are undercut by the cheap production…
Since the dawn of the computer age, information technology in the United States has held a certain air of…
A huge cloud hangs over the future of IT. After more than a decade of refining the Internet as…
Jerry Batt twice had the misfortune to find himself in exactly the wrong place at the wrong time. Batt…
Imagine it’s 10 a.m. on a weekday in Anchorage, and Alaska Airlines Flight 97 from Seattle is about an…
To paraphrase Mark Twain’s beaten-to-death yet still relevant quotation, rumors of the data center’s death have been greatly exaggerated.…