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  • Leading Alignment

    Last March, this magazine held an Alignment Summit in New York City to discuss and analyze, from a variety…

  • Hearts & Minds

    Every executive has heard it before: In the face of a big technology project or a major new strategic…

  • Time Changes Everything

    As I write this, it’s been almost a week since J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., with a degree of…

  • Rising Expectations

    After authoring two books on business strategy—Competing for the Future (1994) and The Future of Competition (2003)—the subject of…

  • Expert Voice: Pop-Up Lawsuits

    The flurry of lawsuits pitting outdoor outfitter L.L. Bean Inc. against online marketer Claria Corp. and four of its…

  • September 2004 Editorial

    The amount of information that can be collected about a person—not just name, age, address, Social Security number, but…

  • Editorial: July 2004

    Here’s a project for you: Take a look at the graphic (To download graphic click here). It’s a wiring…

  • To Have or Have Not

    Why is it that some companies seem to get so much more out of their IT efforts than others?…

  • Editorial: May 2004

    In this month’s Expert Voices, Laura Unger, the former acting head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, speaks of…

  • Web Extra: Tom Malone

    The Center Cannot Hold MIT’s Tom Malone discusses his new book The Future of Work: How the New Order…