Every executive has heard it before: In the face of a big technology project or a major new strategic…
As I write this, it’s been almost a week since J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., with a degree of…
After authoring two books on business strategy—Competing for the Future (1994) and The Future of Competition (2003)—the subject of…
The flurry of lawsuits pitting outdoor outfitter L.L. Bean Inc. against online marketer Claria Corp. and four of its…
Here’s a project for you: Take a look at the graphic (To download graphic click here). It’s a wiring…
Why is it that some companies seem to get so much more out of their IT efforts than others?…
In this month’s Expert Voices, Laura Unger, the former acting head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, speaks of…
The Center Cannot Hold MIT’s Tom Malone discusses his new book The Future of Work: How the New Order…