The Attention Economy: Understanding the New Currency of Business by Thomas H. Davenport and John C. Beck Harvard Business…
Clicks and Mortar: Passion Driven Growth in an Internet Driven World by David S. Pottruck and Terry Pearce Jossey-Bass,…
Making Six Sigma Last: Managing Cultural and Technical Change by George Eckes John Wiley & Sons, 2001 304 pages,…
Research: Spending CIOs and senior IT strategists appear to be successfully avoiding widespread, debilitating technology spending cuts throughout their…
Customer Equity: Building and Managing Relationships as Valuable Assets by Robert C. Blattberg, Gary Getz and Jacquelyn S. Thomas…
In early May, we again asked CIOs to indicate, on a scale of 1 to 10, how confident they…
Net Value: Valuing Dot-Com Companies—Uncovering the Reality Behind the Hype by Peter J. Clark and Stephen Neill Amacom, 2001…