Strong Signals: The Pursuit of Productivity By John Parkinson In this month’s column, John Parkinson, who’s also the chief…
CIO Insight: After the telecom crash, the scandal and the bankruptcy, MCI reduced its staff by 30,000. It also…
I come from a point of view that says, at the end of the day, 80 percent of business…
Ideas Are Free: How the Idea Revolution Is Liberating People and Transforming Organizations By Alan G. Robinson and Dean…
MBA in a Box: Practical Ideas from the Best Brains in Business By Joel Kurtzman with Glenn Rifkin and…
To download fact sheet, click here. Problem Long considered a rogue application, company executives are finding that instant messaging…
CIO Insight: How many companies are formally using IM? Root: Less than half of those who use IM at…
84% of CIOs say they calculate ROI for the initial justification of IT projects 46% of CIOs say they…
The Confidence Meter suffered a significant reverse in our latest poll. Confidence in economic growth declined by half a…