The Myth of Leadership: Creating Leaderless Organizations By Jeffrey S. Nielsen Davies-Black Publishing, April 2004 208 pages, $25.95 You…
IT executives are slightly more optimistic about business prospects than when the Confidence Meter last appeared in the April…
To download results, click here. 5.5% more CIOs called themselves early adopters this year than last year 79% of…
For CIO Insight’s May 2004 issue, reporter Debra D’Agostino spoke to Bob Tillman, director of public affairs for the…
Due Diligence: SOX in a Box By Eric Nee Surprise! Software companies are trying to market Sarbanes-Oxley to their…
Even now, no one knows exactly how the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 will be enforced, or the precise criteria…
To download a PDF of the Document Management Factsheet, click here. To download a chart detailing the lifecycle of…
To download results, click here. 88% of CIOs say their IT departments are very involved in compliance 67% say…