Studies of how IT is used in medicine have consistently shown that the people most resistant to information technology…
When Wal-Mart decreed that its top suppliers would have to install Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips in pallet and…
Outsourcing business processes or entire departments to overseas companies has become so common a tactic that senior managers more…
During the ’90s, the phrase “real-time business” was the shibboleth of a particular brand of corporate executive: brash, often…
Fifteen years of research, five books and countless articles have earned Mary Lacity, a professor of information systems at…
In September 2004, less than three months after its $58 billion acquisition of Bank One, JPMorgan Chase & Co.…
Passionate and Profitable: Why Customer Strategies Fail and 10 Steps to Do Them Right! By Lior Arussy John Wiley…
The Enthusiastic Employee: How Companies Profit by Giving Employees What They Want By David Sirota, Louis A. Mischkind and…