To aid in the hurricane relief effort, the Red Cross is deploying a series of IT implementations including satellite…
Microsoft officials have admitted one of their biggest challenges in continuing to grow the company’s Windows business is the…
Originally a first-person shooter game developed as a tactical training tool for the Army, the military has now adapted…
Mattel’s world-class competitive intelligence system crunches sales reports, children’s play-pattern studies, and even findings on where kids go online.…
We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately. —Benjamin Franklin Last month’s mistaken execution of…
Scientists at Stanford University have developed a new laser therapy that destroys cancer cells but leaves healthy ones unharmed.…
Animated images of the September 11th attacks are being used to help survivors cope with anxiety stemming from that…
Tom Lange knows more about flying Pringles than probably anyone alive. As director of modeling and simulation at Procter…
Add another powerful voice to the growing chorus of Sarbanes-Oxley critics: Congressman Michael Oxley. In early July, the coauthor…
Problem Compliance has been a moving target, and costs have piled up early and often. It was January 2004,…