What Users Will Want from Windows 8 Tablets

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When Windows 8 launches on Oct. 26, it will have a lot to prove about how well the operating system will work on tablets. The operating system, which will work just fine on traditional PCs, is designed to provide a high-end experience on tablets.

Some of those tablets will be running Microsoft’s ARM-based version, Windows RT, while the others will come with Windows 8 Pro. So far, few vendors have unveiled their plans for Windows 8 slates.

Still, we know that some Windows 8 tablets are coming. When they do, we can only hope that they’ll offer an array of features that will make them and the operating system a success in the mobile market. From a big screen to an innovative design, it s clear that in order to be successful and compete against Apple’s iPad, Windows 8 tablets are going to have to appeal to both consumers and enterprise users. More importantly, those tablets should deliver that by way of aesthetics and components.

Take a look at the sort of features Windows 8 tablets must offer to be successful in the hotly contested tablet market this year and next.

1. Big screens

Although 7-inch tablets have been successful, that’s only because they ‘e cheap and don’t try to do too much. Windows 8 tablets, however, will attempt to replace lightweight notebooks running the operating system. Therefore, they need to be more powerful and come with a big display. In that end of the space, it’s what customers expect.

2. An innovative design, like Surface

One of the nicest things about Microsoft’s Surface tablet is that it’s innovative. The device comes with a beautiful VaporMg finish, and its kickstand is an added benefit that can’t be overlooked. In order to compete against that device, all Windows 8 tablet vendors must be able to deliver a fresh design–or else.

3. Windows 8 Pro

Windows 8 Pro is the operating system that most customers will want to use. It’ll support all applications, come with all the latest Windows 8 features, and make enterprise users far more productive. Windows RT will be fine for casual users, but for serious customers, Windows 8 Pro is a necessary ingredient in any tablet.

4. Apps galore

In order for Windows 8-based tablets to be successful, they’re going to need an ample number of applications in the Windows Marketplace. Digitally delivered apps will be a key piece of the Windows 8 puzzle, but if it fizzles out and developers don’t care, the tablets will fail. Vendors, especially, can’t forget that.

5. Strong vendor support

Speaking of vendors, it’s imperative that many companies get into the mix. If the Android ecosystem has taught the marketplace anything, it s that consumers are quite happy with choices. The more options available to them, the better. So, if Windows 8 tablets are going to be successful and achieve great strides over the next several years, vendors will need to get into the mix.

To read the original eWeek article, click here: Windows 8 Tablets: 10 Crucial Features Buyers Want to See

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