AI vs Machine Learning: What Are Their Differences & Impacts?
p>AI vs machine learning and deep learning. These words conjure visions of decision-making computers replacing whole departments and divisions — a future many companies believe is too far away to…
IT Management
SAP ERP Software: S/4HANA Cloud Review for 2022
an style=”font-weight: 400;”>SAP has long been a leader in the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software space, mostly providing enterprise-level integrated…
Are Air Gapped Networks Secure?
an style=”font-weight: 400;”>Ours is a deeply interwoven and breachable world, which often means trouble for enterprise security. According to IBM’s…
Cloud Computing Thinks Small (and Medium Sized Business)
an style=”font-weight: 400;”>Cloud computing, the offloading of company data functions to offsite cloud providers, has been hailed as the tool…