• IT Leaders Broaden Their Roles

    IT Leaders Broaden Their Roles

    The debate rages on: Are CIOs strategic or tactical? Being a CIO today means much more than the proverbial “keeping…

  • IT Disaster in the Making

    It’s likely that your company is not well-prepared for an IT disaster–and doesn’t view IT disasters as business continuity crises.…

  • The Green IT Payoff

    Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline popularized the idea of the learning organization. His new book, written with Bryan Smith, Nina…

  • The SOA Payoff

    The metaphor of “services” lies at the heart of one of the world’s most ballyhooed trends: using service-oriented architecture and…

  • How CIOs Attract and Retain Talent

    Every time we ask IT executives about recruiting and retaining IT talent, they tell us it’s becoming more difficult–and more…

  • Small Firms Win Over IT Talent

    -market companies need to attract and retain more technical talent, but don’t have the deep pockets of their larger competitors.…

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