Why CISOs Are Left Out of Digital Transformations

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Why CISOs Are Left Out of Digital Transformations

Why CISOs Are Left Out of Digital TransformationsWhy CISOs Are Left Out of Digital Transformations

Excluding security teams from the digital transformation process puts businesses at risk, but empowering security pros early in the process can have many benefits.

Extent of Investment in Digital TechnologiesExtent of Investment in Digital Technologies

97% of respondents say they are investing in digital technologies to transform their business, including mobile, cloud applications, cloud infrastructures and IoT.

Need to Increase Employee ProductivityNeed to Increase Employee Productivity

75% of respondents say the need to increase employee productivity drives digital transformation initiatives. 67% cite business growth, including increased customer acquisition and new products.

Security Teams' Contribution AcknowledgedSecurity Teams’ Contribution Acknowledged

85% of respondents say security teams can better enable digital transformation initiatives if they are included early on in a project.

But Security Included Too LateBut Security Included Too Late

76% believe the security team is brought in too late in the digital transformation process.

Challenges to Securing Digital TechnologiesChallenges to Securing Digital Technologies

96% say securing digital technologies poses the following challenges: Lack of resources. Risk of security breach. Finding the right balance between security and employee productivity. Loss of control

More Security Resources NeededMore Security Resources Needed

91% of respondents say the security team can better enable the business if given more resources.

Impact of Digital Transformation UnderestimatedImpact of Digital Transformation Underestimated

While 89% of all respondents recognize digital transformation in their industry, only 50% believe it’s happening in their organization.

Failure to Recognize Company's TransformationFailure to Recognize Company’s Transformation

Only 27% of respondents described their company as “in the middle of a digital transformation.” But 72% have active mobile projects, 68% are involved in cloud projects, and 37% in IoT.

Security Involvement in Mobile, Cloud, IoT ProjectsSecurity Involvement in Mobile, Cloud, IoT Projects

18% of respondents say security has been involved in all mobile, cloud, self-sufficient service, and IoT initiatives.

Security vs. Own InitiativesSecurity vs. Own Initiatives

85% of respondents say business users avoid engaging with security teams because they are concerned that their initiatives might be blocked.

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