Mature Access Management Curtails Breaches
Enterprise security is woefully inadequate, but it could benefit from more comprehensive and mature identity and access management.
66% of the IT security decision-makers surveyed experienced an average of five or more security breaches during the past two years
83% of the organizations surveyed don’t have a mature approach to IAM.
28% of the respondents had Level 1 IAM maturity, 30% were Level 2, 25% were Level 3 and 17% were Level 4.
There is a correlation between implementing more IAM capabilities (especially adopting best practices with regard to privileged identity management) and a reduction in security incidents.
Level I companies experience an average of 12.5 breaches compared to Level 4 firms, which only experience 5.7.
49% of Level 4 firms (compared with only 32% of Level 1 firms) are likely to never experience a breach across six key areas: networks, servers, on-premises apps, databases, cloud apps for SaaS, and cloud apps for IaaS and PaaS.
Identities and passwords: 57%,
Customer records: 49%,
Business partner records: 44%,
Employee records: 41%,
Proprietary intellectual property: 38%
91% use an integrated IAM platform.
They save 40% on AIM technology costs.
They average $5 million in cost savings.
51% have improved user productivity.