Why More CEOs Want to Direct Tech Investments

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Why More CEOs Want to Direct Tech Investments

Why More CEOs Want to Direct Tech InvestmentsWhy More CEOs Want to Direct Tech Investments

Many CEOs view tech disruption as a business opportunity, rather than a burden. Find out how they plan to steer IT spending to maximize competitive advantage.

Mixed ReadingMixed Reading

60% of the CEOs surveyed view tech disruption as more of an opportunity than a threat, but 57% said their company does not have the capabilities and innovative processes to respond to rapid disruption.


43% of the CEOs said they need to understand the technology side of the business in order to be a good CEO.

Top Areas of IT Investment for Next Three YearsTop Areas of IT Investment for Next Three Years

Data analytics: 61%,
Cognitive tech: 58%,
Internet of things (IoT): 55%

Top Strategic Priorities for Next Three YearsTop Strategic Priorities for Next Three Years

Gaining speed to market: 25%,
Digitizing business: 22%,
Becoming more data-driven: 21%,
Building public trust: 21%,
Implementing disruptive tech: 20%

Biggest Barriers to Implementing New TechBiggest Barriers to Implementing New Tech

Complexity of integration: 26%,
Lack of needed skills: 21%,
Lack of long-term strategy: 16%

Cautionary Sentiment: Data IntegrityCautionary Sentiment: Data Integrity

49% of the CEOs surveyed are concerned about the integrity of the data on which they base their decisions.

Cautionary Sentiment: Customer InsightsCautionary Sentiment: Customer Insights

32% said the depth of their company’s customer insights is limited by a lack of quality customer data.

Intellectual CapitalIntellectual Capital

61% of the CEOs surveyed are concerned about integrating cognitive processes and artificial intelligence (AI).

Growth AreaGrowth Area

Three-quarters view investments in cyber-security as an opportunity to innovate and find new revenue streams.

Positive FeelingPositive Feeling

46% of the CEOs surveyed are “highly confident” about their growth prospects over the next three years.

Negative ImpactNegative Impact

69% said a culture of “short-termism” has a negative impact on long-term strategic objectives.

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